Handbags are one of the most important things to consider while you accessorize any outfit. The right handbag can add instant class and style to your outfit without any effort. Designer handbags by brands like Chanel, Hermes, Louis Vuitton, and Gucci are the type of bags that have a kind of special appeal. This makes it easier for the carrier to stand out in a crowd. The handbag trends for 2020 have some of the funkiest looking, bright-colored, chic luxury handbags that have people taking second glances at the unique designs and colors. Here are the top 5 2020 handbag trends to keep an eye on.
1) Chanel Small Deauville Studded Logo Tote Bag
This small tote bag by Chanel is all you need to add instant class to your look for when you are out on a shopping spree with your friends. The bag comes with two straps making it easier for the carrier to carry the bag around. The bag even has a bunch of studs decorated in the shape of the Chanel logo.
2) Hermes Garden Party 36 Bag
This bright-colored and easy to carry handbag by Hermes can be the perfect addition to your carefree outfit for a nice beach picnic with friends and family. The bright color of the bag will bring life to the dress and make your outfit look brighter. The bag has a pair of add-on Twilly scarves wrapped around the handles of the bag.
3) Gucci Shoulder Tote Bag
This Gucci shoulder tote bag has a very chic yet vintage look to it, which makes it the perfect bag for semi-formal events. Whether you are at a meeting with a new client or at a formal lunch with your colleagues, this bag will be an extremely classy addition to your look. The snap-lock helps the carrier keep its contents safe and secure.
4) Louis Vuitton NeoNoe
This NeoNeo bag by Louis Vuitton has a chic and feminine touch to it. The bag even has the Louis Vuitton monogram printed all over with classy golden hardware. You can rock this bag with a feminine dress at a friend’s birthday or an engagement party.
5) Louis Vuitton Neverfull MM
Among all the bags mentioned in the list above, this bag is the funkiest looking of all. The bag is gorgeously decorated with tons of sticker-like logos and the classic Louis Vuitton monogram printed all over the fabric, as well as a removable zipper clutch.
Now you know all about the trendiest bags that you will see throughout the year. From celebrities to people walking on the streets, everyone will be sporting these gorgeous bags all year. You can easily rent luxury handbags from Luxury Fashion Rentals at extremely reasonable prices. The rates range from $90 to $635, depending on the amount of time that you wish to rent the bag for. We hope that this will help you style your outfits better and become the best version of yourself.
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