When we strut off to the mall and consider purchasing handbags, one of the first bags to exclaim ‘Buy me!’ is certainly the top-handle bag. Very different from the usual category of satchels and clutches, the top-handle bag exudes a sense of luxury and ease unlike any other. However, purchasing a designer top-handle bag certainly doesn’t mean spending peanuts. With a high (read: huge) price tag, such bags aren’t bought on impulse, but rather after a lot of thought. However, the need to sacrifice our desire for fashionable top-handle bags shouldn’t be restricted by the affordability factor, and thus Luxury Fashion Rentals seeks to ensure this by providing designer bags for rent.
The luxury handbag rental genre of the fashion industry is gaining popularity every day. In Luxury Fashion Rentals, the process of borrowing designer bags is very easy. Whether we wish to rent a Chanel bag, or opt for another, we should know how to choose luxury top-handle bags:
Formal Events; Leather Top Handle Bags
The Leather top-handle bag is a timeless classic. Whether the handle is made with a different type of leather, or paired with metal chains, it stands out from the crowd. For example, the Small Coco Handle Flap Bag by Chanel is an absolute stunner with its lizard top handle, whilst the Mini Coco Handle Flap Bag in yellow takes the cake. Caviar leather is also widely aesthetic, as displayed in the Chanel Flap Bag with Top handle. Such leather top-handle bags are best suited for formal events. Whether it is for a seminar to attend, or for a university lecture to deliver – the leather top-handle gives a sense of class and formality.
Party Animal; Bucket Top Handle Bag
With the currently-trending bucket bags, an open-top bag, with often a drawstring closure has become very popular, and rightly so. With immense depth and ease in wearing, the bag can contain anything and everything we may keep in it, thus making it a great candidate for parties. Whether we go to the pool or to the beach, bucket top-handle bags ensure we look creative and calm. Personal favorite is the Louis Vuitton Bento Box BB.
Elegant yet Informal; Metal Ring Handle
Another trend that has taken the luxury bag rental market by storm is the metal ring top-handle bag. Usually included in solid flap bags, the metal ring has been picked up by brands like Chloe and Alexander McQueen. An ode to a glitzy style, the metal ring appears elegant yet informal, thus not restricting the bags to any event. We can don them at official events, as well as at parties with friends.
Beach Vibes; Wood Top-handle Bag
With wooden top handles, our arm candy becomes as unique as it can get. Whether the handle is in the shape of ring or takes on a rectangular form instead, it certainly gives the vibe of an architectural bag. The compartments underneath may be made of beautiful leather, or of printed fabric – each breathing life into the luxury handbag. When going to the beach, the wooden top-handle bag is perhaps the perfect choice. Appearing distinctive yet raw and in touch with nature, unique hand-made wooden top-handle bags are durable as well, giving top value for the price.
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